GSS Survey Results
In Fall 2015, the Graduate Student Senate (GSS) was informed that the Graduate College would be conducting an internal review of the Graduate College doctoral programs (Ph.D., D.M.A., D.P.T.). Currently there are approximately 2500 doctoral students on campus. The GSS Executive Council developed and administered a survey to obtain graduate student feedback about their experiences with graduate education at the University of Iowa (UI). The goal of this survey was to identify areas in which UI doctoral students feel they could be better served by their Departments or by the Graduate College. The survey was developed on Qualtrics Survey Software and distributed to UI Graduate and Professional students using a UI mass mailing. The questions included on the survey sought self-reported data on a variety of topics: perception of departmental support for graduate students, perceived quality and enrollment size of graduate students in a department, experiences with teaching and research assistantships, and estimates of workload for teaching or research assistantships. There was also an open comment field.
To access an overview the written Executive Summary of the survey results please click here.
To access summary tables of the survey results, please click here.