Special Notices
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Can I submit more than one application per given application cycle, if I present more than once at the same conference?
A: No. The applicant can only submit ONE application per application cycle. Even if a student presents more than one research work at a given conference, he/she cannot do so within the same cycle. In case of having multiple presentations within the same conference, it is recommended to either choose a project that is stronger, or combine all presentations in one application, if possible.
Q: Can I submit more than one application per given application cycle, if I present at more than one conference?
A: No. The applicant can only submit ONE application per application cycle. If a student needs to apply for two different conferences, he/she cannot do so within the same cycle and needs to plan to distribute applications toward applying in different cycles.
Q: How long will it take for the committee to get back to me on the status of my application? A: The committee strives to get back to you within three weeks of the due date for the cycle. Please see the Presentation Travel/Virtual Conference Funds for these dates.
Pertinent and special information about GSS/Graduate College Presentation Travel Funds will appear below in the list. We update these items regularly.
- As of September of 2016, the GSS/Graduate College Presentation Travel Funds Application is incorporated into the University Workflow system with other university fellowships and grants.
- If you would like to view anonymous statistics regarding funding results, please email the Committee Chair(s) with your specific questions and interest. All reasonable requests will be honored on as timely of a basis as possible.