The Graduate College provides funding assistance to graduate students who present their research/graduate work at competitive/juried conferences, meetings, symposia and similar professional or academic gatherings. The funds are allocated by the GSS Travel Funds Committee to deserving applications in four cycles throughout each fiscal year. The funds are competitive. We receive far more applications than we can financially support. 

Applications must be submitted during the cycle in which your travel occurs before the cycle deadline. This may mean that you are submitting your application before traveling. Applications will be reviewed immediately following the cycle deadline. Applications submitted in the incorrect cycle or without all necessary documentation will be voided. You must be a current student during the travel to be reimbursed. Submissions for travel happening after a student has graduated will be voided and not considered.

Please read all instructions about eligibility and applying before proceeding. You can also review frequently asked questions and other special funding information.

Here are the funding cycles:


CycleTravel DatesApplication OpensApplication ClosesApplicants Will Be Notified By*
Cycle 1July 1 - September 30, 2024July 1, 2024, at 8amSeptember 3, 2024, at 5pmSeptember 23, 2024
Cycle 2October 1 - December 31, 2024October 7, 2024, at 8amDecember 2, 2024, at 5pmDecember 13, 2024
Cycle 3January 1 - March 31, 2025January 6, 2025, at 8amMarch 3, 2025, at 5pmMarch 24, 2025
Cycle 4April 1 - June 30, 2025March 10, 2025, at 8amMarch 31, 2025, at 5pmApril 21, 2025

*Dates of notification are subject to change 

GSS/Graduate College Presentation Travel/Virtual Conference Funds are submitted and processed strictly electronically via the University Workflow system. Please read all instructions prior to submitting your application and be sure to download and fill out the Itemized Travel Expenses form to attach to your funding application, converted to a PDF format.  

If you have any additional questions about GSS/Graduate College Presentation Travel Funds, please contact the committee chair(s)


Itemized Travel Expenses Example
Cost of round-trip coach airfareN/AMark N/A if not flying
Cost of ground transportation (rideshare costs, mileage, etc.)
  • Iowa City to Minneapolis - 302.2 miles
  • Minneapolis to Iowa City - 302.2 miles
  • TOTAL mileage: 604.4 miles.
  • Mileage for FY23-24: 0.327/mile if trip > 100 miles.
  • 604.4 miles*0.327/mile = $197.64
Mark N/A if you will not have any cost of ground transportation. For mileage calculations, please visit

3 nights

First night: $133/night

Second night: $145/night

Third night: $145/night

Total cost: $423

Split with another student: $423/2 = $211.5


Please detail number of days and rate per day

Meal estimation (as I have not attended the conference yet)

Meal per diem in Minneapolis for FY23: $79/day

4 days*$79/day = $316 estimation

Please note that we do not cover alcohol expenses. For per diem for meals, please visit
Conference Registration$250 conference registrationPlease note that we do not cover membership fees, optional lunches/meetings/excursions
Misc. Costs
  • $78 poster printing
  • $20 poster tube
Please itemize (ex. Visa procurement)
Applied Funding
  • $300 Audrey Qualls
  • GPSG funding (pending)
Please itemize (ex. Audrey Qualls, GPST
TOTAL COST OF TRAVEL$845.14 Pending application for GPSG (up to $500)

Math: 197.64 + 211.5 + 316 + 250 + 150 + 20 = $1,145.14 (travel costs)

$1,145.14 - $300 (funding awarded) = $845.14

*Please convert to a PDF before uploading with application